ISBI’15 is very pleased to announce several activities specifically designed for attending graduate students and post-docs.
Check this page and the Facebook page regularly to keep posted with the latest news and details.
Tours of Universities and Laboratories
Tours of two university campuses and imaging laboratories will be organized.
Pre-registration is required before Friday April 19th at 12pm at the registration using this FORM .
Contact: Email .
• The Center for Biomedical Imaging at NYU School of Medicine. Date Monday April 20th, at 2pm. Overview of research activities to be presented by faculty members and tour of the RF lab and MRI scanners
• The Columbia University Campus. Date: Monday April 20th, at 10am. Official tour of the campus with the Visitors’ Center of Columbia University and tours of imaging labs in the BME Department.
These tours are free, but students and post-doc will have to register at the registration desk, for organizational reasons.
Students & Post-Docs’ Party
We have secured The Brooklyn Brewery as the location to organize a party for the Saturday night. There is a small participation requested, via paid tickets. Since space is limited, pre-book your ticket now following this link !
Meet the Editors in Chief
Don’t miss these two opportunities:
(1) Friday & Saturday April 17th-18th – 12:45pm-1:45pm
Meet with Guang-Zhong Yang, Editor in Chief of the IEEE Journal on Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI) and discuss Imaging Informatics and Big Data.
(2) Friday April 17th – 6pm-7pm
Meet with Mike Insana, the Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions of Medical Imaging to discuss best practice in paper submission and the “must have” features a paper must have to be positively reviewed.
Best Student Paper Awards
Four Awards for Best Student Papers will be distributed on Sunday April 19th, before the Plenary Talk.
The Award Committee is chaired by Dr. Ivan Selesnick, NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, Brooklyn New York.
A list of finalists will be posted on this website prior to the conference.
We thank Amazon and the IEEE Journal on Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI) for sponsoring these awards this year.
NIH Grant for US-based Students and Post-docs
ISBI’15 is very proud to announce the support from the NIH National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the National Institute on Aging (NIA), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and the National Eye Institute (NEI) for providing travel grants and tutorial registration fee wavers to US-based PhD students and post-docs.