Author (One-page Abstract) Guidelines and Instructions
Aims and Scope of the One-page Abstracts Track in ISBI
The goal of this track is two fold. The first overall goal is to communicate late scientific findings and open up ISBI to a broader audience of imaging scientists (in particular from the biology, radiology, and physics communities) and to encourage cross-fertilization. The scope of the abstract track is complementary to the regular track with the aims of (a) stimulating future algorithmic, mathematical, and computational contributions by the traditional ISBI community, and (b) promoting the transfer of advanced algorithms to the practice of bio-imaging. Authors of full-length papers that were not accepted for the regular submission track but received positive reviews are encouraged to submit their work as a one-page abstract.
The second overall goal is to provide a forum for presentation of a selection of manuscripts published by IEEE journals that are sponsored by the the ISBI-sponsoring societies, i.e., the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), as follows. All peer-reviewed journal papers published by EMBS or SPS during 2021 whose topic lies within the domains of biomedical imaging and image analysis are eligible for presentation at ISBI 2022, subject to space availability and approval by the ISBI Program Chairs. Requests for the presentation of such papers should be made by submitting a one-page abstract of the paper through the ISBI 2022 website on or before the submission deadline.
Why should you submit an abstract to ISBI?
You can consider submitting an abstract to ISBI, if any of the following are true.
- You are engaged in research in basic biology, biomedicine, or in the clinic.
- Your work relies on advanced imaging techniques in biology or medicine.
- You are keen to network with experts in the image analysis domain.
- You want to report your recent work, within ISBI-related themes, to highlight the challenges within your application to the biomedical imaging community.
If you are an IEEE-journal author whose paper was published in 2021, and would like to gain publicity for your work not presented previously to the ISBI community, then consider submitting an abstract based on your published journal paper.
You will have the unique opportunity to meet physicists and engineering experts in image acquisition and image processing, to form new collaborations, to attend a variety of plenary and keynote talks, tutorials, and special sessions reviewing the fundamentals as well as the state of the art.
Instructions and Information
- If you are new to CMT and TPMS and need help navigating both sites, please see: - The login email addresses of your CMT account and your TPMS account must match. If you have multiple CMT accounts, make sure the one with the author credential matches that of your TPMS account.
- Please make sure your mailbox does not filter emails sent from CMT as SPAM. All future instructions will also be posted on the conference website:
- Once you have accepted the invitation, please complete your Reviewer profile before 15 Aug 2021, as follows.
- Select Subject Areas in your CMT Account.
- Enter Domain Conflicts in your CMT account.
- Update your TPMS profile by uploading five or more of your recent publications relevant to ISBI. You have the option to remove any papers that are no longer relevant.
- Download the ISBI manuscript templates here.
- ISBI 2022 will continue to use the single-blind reviewing process for one-page abstracts.
- Only one-page abstract submissions will be considered. Any manuscripts that exceed the one-page limit will be rejected.
- Abstract submissions will only be considered for poster presentation.
- If your abstract focuses on a paper that was published in an IEEE journal sponsored or co-sponsored by EMBS and SPS, then:
- The abstract title should clearly start with the words “Journal Paper: …”
- The text should clearly mention the journal paper, state that the paper was published in 2021, and include a full citation for the journal paper.
- To submit an abstract, visit
- Abstracts will be reviewed for suitability by related experts from the Program Committee and the Scientific Review Committee.
- Accepted abstracts presented at the meeting will be published in the conference proceedings (title and authors of accepted abstracts will be listed on the program), but they will not be published in IEEE Xplore or indexed otherwise.
- Approved requests for presentation must have one author/presenter registered for ISBI as per the 2022 registration rates.
Final Submission
Prepare a presentation following the posted guidelines.
Compliance with Ethical Standards
ISBI supports the standard requirements on the use of animal and human subjects for scientific and biomedical research. For all ISBI-2022 papers reporting data from studies involving human and/or animal subjects, formal review and approval, or formal review and waiver, by an appropriate institutional review board or ethics committee is required and should be stated in the papers. For those investigators whose institutions do not have formal ethics review committees, the principles outlined in the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000, should be followed.
Irrespective of whether animal/human data was used, authors should include a statement on ethical compliance in their manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest
IEEE-ISBI supports the disclosure of financial support for the project as well as any financial and personal relationships of the author that could create even the appearance of bias in the published work. The authors must disclose any agency or individual that provided financial support for the work as well as any personal or financial or employment relationship between any author and the sources of financial support for the work.
Irrespective of whether a conflict of interest exists, authors should disclose any real or potential conflict of interest, or the absence thereof, in their manuscript.
In case of any questions, please contact the organizing team at