CMT and TPMS Sign-Up Instructions
ISBI 2022 has switched to Microsoft’s Conference Management Toolkit (CMT). Within CMT, we will use the Toronto Paper Matching System (TPMS) to help in the assignment of associate editors and reviewers to papers.
There are two parts of the signup:
- CMT signup and
- TPMS signup.
Your email address must be the same for both signups.
Instructions for CMT Sign Up:
- CMT registration link:
- Fill out your personal details including email address, name, organization, and (optionally) your profile information on external systems like Google Scholar.
- You will see a message confirming that your account has been registered and instructing you to activate the account via the email that has been sent to you.
- Check your inbox for the email address that you provided during registration. An email from Microsoft CMT should have arrived, containing the activation link.
- Clicking on the activation link should take you to a confirmation page informing you that your account has been successfully verified.
- After logging in, you should see the console page. For instance, if you are a reviewer, you should see a page as shown below.
Instructions for TPMS Sign Up:
- After the CMT registration, login to TPMS at If you don’t have an account, then please register first.
- In order to register to create an account, enter a valid reviewer email (i.e., the email address for your CMT), your name, and choose a suitable password. NOTE: It is important to use the same email address for both CMT and TPMS.
- You can update your user information, including changing your email address, by clicking the “Update account info.” link on the left panel. The email address for your CMT account and your TPMS account must be an EXACT match.
- Selected papers section on TPMS.
- Upload relevant papers section on TPMS. You can upload the papers from your hard drive or you can provide publicly available URLs (such as on ieeexplore). Note that the more papers you upload relevant to your research the better the reviewer assignments would be. We suggest uploading at least three of your latest papers that you feel are relevant to ISBI.
In case of any questions, please contact the organizing team at