Instructions for Author Presentations
Guidelines and Instructions for Author Presentations (Oral and Poster)
Congratulations on having your paper accepted at IEEE ISBI 2022.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, ISBI will be held as a hybrid conference. We have opted for a format where each contributed presentation will require submission of a pre-recorded video, available during the original dates of the conference and on-demand after the conference concludes.
We request you to prepare and upload an audio-visual recording of your presentation. This will be posted within your presentation time slot on the IEEE ISBI 2022 on-demand virtual platform. Please note that the file must be a video file in MP4 format (more details below).
- All 1-page abstracts will be presented as posters.
- To help with format checking, you can use IEEE PDF eXpress, using the conference code as 52829X. If you are using the latex templates, please don’t modify the margins or introduce negative \vspace.
- The format of the recorded presentation is expected to closely follow the on-site format
- Oral presenters will prepare an audio-visual recording using their presentation slides.
- Poster presenters are requested to prepare, in addition to their poster, a short presentation slide deck and use the slides for the audio-visual recording. This is to ensure that the data is clear and visible during the recording.
- Multiple speakers can be utilized for the presentation if appropriate.
- For recording a video using the content displayed on your computer screen, with voice recorded using the computer microphone, we recommend using Zoom that is available to users on most platforms in most countries.
- In order for videos to be verified by the technical program committee, there is considerable urgency in preparing and uploading your video. Accordingly, we ask you that you please finalize and submit your video no later than 14 February 2022. This is a HARD DEADLINE. Presentations will not be accepted after this date. Papers without a video presentation will be treated as a no-show case and consequently those papers will not be published in the proceedings.
- All your submitted presentation materials will be taken into consideration during the selection of the best paper awards.
- Guidelines for preparing your audio-visual recording:
- Recording duration: 10 minutes for oral presentation; 4 minutes for poster presentation.
- Recording file format: mp4.
- Recording file size: 300MB maximum.
- Slide dimensions: Minimum height 720 pixels, aspect ratio 16:9.
- To submit your presentation materials, you will receive a submission link, and additional information, by 8 February 2022.
- There are several video conferencing tools available to easily record a presentation. In this method, you can show your face using your webcam (if you’d like) and display your slides as you talk. You can use any meeting software as long as you get a good quality recording and your final file is in the MP4 format. Here are some links to instructions on recording a meeting on common platforms:
- Zoom: Local Recording – Zoom Help Center
- WebEx: Video Conferencing – Record a Cisco Webex Meeting
- Skype: Skype for Business: Recording a Meeting | Information Technology Services | Bemidji State University
- Google Meet: Record a video meeting – Meet Help
- Gotomeeting: How to Record a GoToMeeting Session | Techwalla and How to Convert and Open the GoToMeeting Recordings
- Microsoft Teams: Record a meeting in Teams – Office Support
- You can also use the two-step method: Create voiceover powerpoint and convert to MP4
- If you need to make minor edits, you can use programs including VideoPad, VSDC, or QuickTime.
Please note that the final specifications will be checked at the time of submission and files not compliant may not be uploaded. Please be sure the video includes the title of the paper, the author information, and a mention to IEEE ISBI 2022.
Thank you for making IEEE ISBI 2022 a success and we thank you for your cooperation in this endeavor.