Call for Reviewers

The success and quality of the conference depend heavily on the quality of the reviews.

ISBI 2025 will use EDAS for paper management software and a single-blind reviewing process for full-length papers.

Reviewers are expected to maintain the high quality of reviews at IEEE ISBI and submit them in a timely manner.

  1. Indicate both strengths and weaknesses of the paper along with detailed justifications. Be specific in your comments. For example, one-liners or very generic comments aren’t usually helpful to the authors or the program committee.
  2. If you give the highest or lowest rating to a paper, provide a strong justification for the rating.
  3. Strive to provide constructive feedback, e.g., to improve weak papers by addressing the weaknesses.
  4. While ranking each paper in your stack, try to assign ranks to sufficiently differentiate between papers.
  5. Strictly adhere to the deadline for review submission and strive to submit the reviews well before the deadline.
  6. We strongly discourage making any efforts to search, on the internet or otherwise, specifically for the authors’ identity for a manuscript under review. If you accidentally come across any additional information about the submitted manuscript from an external resource, it shouldn’t influence the review in any way.


If you are willing to review for ISBI, please fill out this form, providing all requested information, and we’ll contact you soon.

Important Dates:

Reviewer Application Deadline: 10 October 2024 –> Extended to 30 October 2024
Paper Submission Deadline: 11 October 2024 –> Extended to 31 October 2024
Acceptance Notification: 17 December 2024