
Meta-Reviewers are expected to maintain the high quality of reviews at IEEE ISBI, along with a timely management of the review process. It is important to note that you are to receive at least 20 papers to review/manage. Your review process will involve the following:

1. Ensuring that each paper has an assignment of at least 3 suitable reviewers to papers.
2. Monitoring the review status to ensure timely completion.
3. After reviewing all reviews, writing a meta-review and submitting that into the EDAS system.

Instructions for Signing Up With EDAS:

If you have been approved as a Meta-Reviewer by the TPC, you will receive an invitation to serve as a Meta-Reviewer for ISBI 2025.

Once you have accepted the invitation, you will be asked to select the topic areas you feel knowledgeable enough to review.

You will also be asked to add any conflicts of interest. Conflicts by institutional affiliation and co-authorship of papers recorded in EDAS are automatic and should NOT be added here.

If you are new to EDAS and need registering and navigating the sites, see:

In case of any questions, please contact the organizing team at