The ISBI 2016 conference seeks proposals for half-day tutorials, which should provide clear and focused material covering emerging topics in biomedical imaging, with a special focus on algorithmic tools. Tutorials will be held during four-hour time slots, with a half-hour coffee break in the middle, on Wednesday April 13th morning and/or Saturday April 16th afternoon. A total of $1,000 will be allocated for each tutorial to support travel of the presenters.
Submission format
Tutorial proposals must be submitted as a single PDF file (not exceeding four pages excluding biosketches), which should contain:
- Title, outline and the relevance to ISBI audience.
- Short description of the material to be covered (no more than 4000 characters).
- Contact information including name, affiliation, email, mailing address, and a two-page biosketch for each presenter.
- Description of expected audience.
The proposal must be emailed to Mathews Jacob ( and Arrate Muñoz-Barrutia ( with the subject heading ISBI16 Tutorial Proposal.
Important Dates
Proposals should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than September 15th, 2015, as the proposals are being reviewed on a rolling basis.
Final notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent by October 16th, 2015.