Special Session 5: Friday, 15 April (11:00am-12:30pm)
Joseph M. Reinhardt, Gary E. Christensen
- Marleen de Bruijne (Erasmus MC Rotterdam and University of Copenhagen)
- Jan Ehrhardt (University of Lübeck)
- Colin Jacobs (Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre)
- John Kipritidis (University of Sydney)
lung, computer-aided detection and diagnosis, radiation therapy, planning and treatment, computed tomography (CT), image registration, image segmentation
Lung disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. By most reports, lung disease is second only to cardiovascular disease in terms of annual deaths and economic impact. Lung disease can be detected and quantified using a number of biomedical imaging modalities, including X-ray, CT, MRI, and nuclear medicine. This workshop will focus on new and emerging methods for processing images to detect, measure, characterize, and treat lung disease. Many methods used in pulmonary image analysis can be translated to other organ systems and disease processes.