Special Session 7: Saturday, 16 April (11:15am-12:45pm)
Hervé Liebgott, François Varray, Olivier Bernard
- Jan D’Hooge (KU Leuven, Belgium)
- Piero Tortoli (University of Florence, Italy)
- Mathieu Pernot (Institut Langevin, Paris, France)
- Lasse Lovstakken (NTNU Trondheim, Norway)
- Martino Alessandrini (University of Bologna, Italy)
ultrasound, heart, image acquisition
Medical ultrasound has probably been the medical imaging modality that has undergone the deepest changes in the last decade. Mainly thanks to the development of ultrafast imaging initially developed for shear wave elastography it is now possible to perform high frame rate vector flow, imaging of the 2D pulse wave propagation along vessel walls, and even functional imaging of the brain based on ultrafast power Doppler has been proposed. The first steps towards 3D ultrafast ultrasound imaging have already been done and cardiology seems to be the application of choice for this modality. This special session aims at covering the different aspect of the challenges and innovations necessary for the emergence of 3D ultrafast echocardiography.