Call for 3-minute thesis (3MT)
ISBI 2021
Call for 3 minute thesis (3MT) contest
Three-minute thesis (3MT) competition
ISBI 2021 will organize one of the most popular competitions among French students: three-minute thesis. This competition encourages students to consolidate their ideas so that they can present them to a lay and diverse audience in a clear, concise, simple, but convincing way. One of the goals of this event is to foster transversal skills, while allowing PhD students to promote their work and gain visibility.
How to participate?
1. Create a video, no longer than 3 minutes that best explains your work in a language appropriate for a general audience. A single static (e.g., no slide transitions, animations or ‘movement’) slide is permitted.
2. Submit your video online (Go to the Papercept System). Follow the link, find ISBI 2021 in the table. Select ‘Submit a contribution to ISBI 2021’, Submit a ‘Thesis Contest Submission’
3. Upload your video. During submission, you will be also asked to provide a title, a 300-word abstract, name, affiliation.
The finalists will be selected to participate to a special session during ISBI where a Jury will rank the presentations.
How to prepare your video?
The submission system allows for videos of up to 15M. If your video exceeds this capacity, you may choose any of these two options for the submission:
1. Upload a text file with a link to your video (e.g YouTube, GoogleDrive, Dropbox, etc.). Please make sure that the video has the right permissions and it can be accessed.
2. Encode it to ensure it does not exceed 15M using an encoder (e.g. handbrake and choose a non-default h265 in MP4 scheme).
Two prizes will be awarded.
Jury prize: From the ranking of the Jury, the top-three finalists will receive an award certificate and the winner will receive €700.
Audience prize: All ISBI participants will be invited to vote for their favorite presentation. The preferred video will receive €300.
Submission deadline: March 1, 2021
Finalists announcement: March 19, 2021
3MT competition at ISBI 2021: April 13–16, 2021