Call for special sessions

ISBI 2021 

Call for Special Sessions

ISBI seeks proposals for special sessions which should concentrate on critical and emerging topics in biomedical imaging. We are particularly interested in topics that either:

  1. Give an overview on a focused topic of current interest to the ISBI community, or
  2. Are of wide interest to the biomedical imaging community but come from communities that do not traditionally attend ISBI.

Each of the sessions is expected to last 11⁄2 hours and have between 4 and 5 invited speakers (each exploring different facets of the chosen topic). Presentations will be oral, and only by invitation of the organizers.

We expect these sessions to provide attendees with a broad overview of research work being done on a given topic. Additionally, the introduction of topics not traditionally represented at ISBI will allow us to broaden the ISBI community. A travel reimbursement up to a total amount of 1500€ per Special Session can be allocated to support invited speakers. Invited speakers are required to register to the conference. Session organizers are also encouraged to seek outside funding to provide additional support for speakers.

Invited contributors will be required to either submit a 4-page paper for inclusion in the proceedings, or to submit a 1-page abstract that summarizes the content of the talk (which will not be included in the proceedings). These paper/abstract submissions following the same deadlines and procedures as in the call for contributed papers. In line with IEEE standards, the 4-page papers will undergo peer review. The review process will use the same system as the main conference and will run parallel to the main review process.

If you are interested, please submit a proposal to:

The proposal should include the following information:

  1. Title of the session
  2. Brief description of the proposed topic, including justification of its relevance to ISBI
  3. Short CV (max. 1⁄2 page) of the session proposer
  4. Expected audience (number of expected attendees, level of expertise/familiarity with the topic required from the audience)
  5. Tentative list of speakers

For each potential speaker include:

  • Name, affiliation, URL to lab
  • Tentative title of talk
  • Tentative abstract of talk (max. 300 words)
  • Short CV (max. 1⁄2 page)
  • Intention of the speaker to submit a 4-page contributed paper or a 1-page abstract

Submission format

Proposals must be submitted as a single PDF file. The subject should state ISBI2021 Special Session Proposal. 



Early submissions are welcomed.

Special sessions

Submission deadline: September 18, 2020.

Final notification of acceptance/rejection: September 21, 2020.

4 page papers

Submission deadline: October 25, 2020

Final notification of acceptance/rejection: January 8, 2021

Final submission: January 22, 2021

1 page papers

Submission deadline: January 15, 2021

Final notification of acceptance/rejection: January 29, 2021