Clinical focus session: Clinical translation of AI for neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disease
This session will focus on applications of AI in neurodegerative disease, such as Alzheimer’s disease, and neuropsychiatric disease, including schizophrenia. Using these examples, we emphasize the challenges and opportunities for translation of imaging-based AI for precision diagnostics. Following the talks, time will be allocated for discussion.
- Clinical needs which can be covered by using AI in Neuroimaging of Neurodegenerative diseases, Magdalini Kosta-Tsolaki, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Artificial Intelligence in Alzheimer’s Disease and Aging, Ilya Nasrallah, University of Pennsylvania
- AI-based neuroimaging prediction of outcomes in depression and psychosis, Paris Lalousis, King’s College London
- Discussion

Magadlini Kosta-Tsolaki
Magda Tsolaki was born in Thessaloniki, Greece and studied Medicine and Theology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh). Afterwards, she initiated her collaboration with AUTh in 1982 as scientific collaborator and a year later received her specialty as a Neuropsychiatrist and her PhD. She has been a Professor of Neurology since 2010, and the Head of the 1st University Department of Neurology (2017- 2020). She has founded the Greek Alzheimer Association in 1995 and the Greek Federation of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in 2007, in which she is up to today the Chair, while also being the scientific director of two Public Dementia Units (founded by her in 2007 and 2009) for outpatients with Neurodegenerative diseases and their caregivers. The last five years she was invited to join as a member the Greek National Observatory for Dementia. She has given more than 656 lectures throughout Greece. She has participated in more than 60 funded research programmes and 31 funded clinical trials. In total, she has received 73 awards. Dr. Magda Tsolaki has been the main author of numerous Books (60), abstracts in Greek (531) and International (489) Conferences, she is the first author or co-author in many Papers in Greek (285) and International Journals (526 – 444 in PubMed), (h-index: 90, IF=2573,395 and more than 36832 Citations in Google Scholar). She has participated as invited speaker in more than 115 international meetings-conferences and 256 Greek conferences. Furthermore, she has been a reviewer for Conferences and Journals (430) and has organised 27 national and 5 international conferences on AD. Finally, she was a member of advisory committee for 35 completed doctoral theses and 36 postgraduate theses. Prof. Tsolaki is married with four children and ten grandchildren.

Ilya Nasrallah
Dr. Nasrallah is an Associate Professor in the Department of Radiology at the University of Pennsylvania with clinical specialization in Neuroradiology and Nuclear Medicine. His research interests focus on imaging of normal and abnormal brain aging using multimodality MRI and molecular imaging including thorough analyses of large multi-institutional data sets. In particular, Dr. Nasrallah is interested in understanding how imaging can inform about development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease and cerebrovascular disease.

Paris Lalousis
Dr Paris Alexandros Lalousis is a Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health and Group Co-Leader of the Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health lab at King’s College London. Having previously worked clinically at the Department of Mental Health & Neurosurgery of the Evangelismos Hospital in Athens, Greece and at the Early Intervention in Psychosis unit in Birmingham, United Kingdom, he holds a joint funded Priestley University of Birmingham – University of Melbourne PhD in the use of AI in Mental Health. In his research he uses state-of-the-art artificial intelligence to improve understanding of disease processes in early-stage mental illness, by disentangling their phenotypic and neurobiological heterogeneity in a transdiagnostic manner.